Droit de l'entreprise viticole

The Disputes Regarding Agricultural Lease Contracts in the Italian System of Authorisations for Viticulture Plantations


  1. Regulation (EU) No. 1308/2013: From the Rights System to Authorisations - 2. European Regulations on Authorisations Following Regulation (EU) No. 2117/2021- 3. The Role of the Regions in the Administration of Authorisations for New Plantations and Replanting – 4. Modification of the Expiration of an Authorisation and Sanctions for Non-use - 5. Issuance of Authorisations for Replanting Following Uprooting - 6. Uprooting Policies and the Current Debate – 7. Modification of the Location of the Area for Which the Authorisation is Granted - 7.1 Intra-company Replanting - 7.2 Inter-company Replanting - 8. Modification of the Reference Region - 9. Fake leases: a significant challenge within the context of authorisation systems. A Contentious Issue - 9.1 Practical Issues and Disputes Related to Sham Leases - 10. Conclusions: The Need for a Balanced Approach


Francesco Tedioli


Affiliation : Università di Mantova

Pays : Italy

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Vues: 107